Van Helsing Wiki

Dr. Henry Jekyll is the original human counterpart of the monster Mr. Hyde.



Much of Dr. Henry Jekyll's life is unknown, it is only known that he was intelligent and that at one point he met Dr. Moreau before the latter did his Chimera experiments.

Van Helsing: The London Assignment[]

At one point in his life, the young Jekyll had fallen in love with the new queen, Victoria, from afar. In order to be with her, he studied the occult for many years-to the point where he was master to various undead monsters and demons who did his bidding. But by that time, Victoria had grown old and bore several children. Seeking a way to make her young again, Jekyll used his magic to change himself into Mr. Hyde and used an occult process in order to steal the youth and beauty from young women, which resulted in their deaths. He would drain their souls into a bottle after cutting them with his weapons and use them to create a potion that would render her young, beautiful and amnestic. He successfully put Queen Victoria under the illusion that she was a young woman who suffered from the delusion that she was an old lady and needed his medicine to keep her mentally well-as well as that they were to be married soon. This was done because after taking the potion, Victoria only remembered her life in her twenties.

His string of killings attracted the attention of the monster Hunter, Van Helsing and Carl. After two attempts to kill Mr. Hyde, Van Helsing manages to rescue the Queen and Jekyll fled to France, setting the stage for the final confrontation.

Van Helsing[]

At the beginning of the film, Van Helsing traveled to Paris hunting Dr. Jekyll. A woman screamed and Mr. Hyde's laugh is heard, and the monster hunter discovers the woman's corpse, picking up a smoldering cigar stub. Van Helsing spots a huge shadow climbing up the North Tower of Notre Dame. He then goes to Notre Dame and meets Hyde inside the bell tower. Mr. Hyde tells the hunter he will be hard to digest, and Van Helsing apologizes. Van Helsing tells Hyde that he missed him in London, but the huge brute states he didn't and raised his arm showing three bullet holes in it. Helsing calls the huge brute Dr. Jekyll but Hyde interrupts telling the hunter that he is Mr. Hyde now. Van Helsing tells him he is wanted by the Knights of the Holy Order for the murder of 12 men, 6 women, 4 children, 3 goats and a number of poultry. It's possible that the women mentioned were his victims as Jack the Ripper in the animated prequel.

Van Helsing tells Mr. Hyde that the Order has deliberately ordered him to bring Hyde alive in order to extricate his "better half", although the hunter preferred to just kill him instead but gave Hyde the choice. The monster refused, starting to fight by slapping Van Helsing across the face, slamming hard into a wall. Van Helsing started to shoot at Mr. Hyde with his revolvers but misses him and the brute comes charging at the hunter. Van Helsing pulls out circular blades and cuts Hyde across the ribs as he passes by, and he howls in pain running straight into the bell. Van Helsing then moved in for the kill with the spinning blades, but Hyde grabbed the bell, ripped it off and slammed it over Van Helsing, trapping him inside. Mr. Hyde then heard noises inside the bell and lifted the bell to find Van Helsing gone, but the monster hunter was hiding inside and swung a blade cutting Mr. Hyde's left arm off. Enraged, Hyde threw Van Helsing through the tower onto the rooftop. Mister Hyde then picked up Van Helsing by the collar and carried him across the roof and prepared to throw him off after bidding Au Revoir.

The Angry PoliceMan....

Mr. Hyde then threw the hunter off the top of Notre Dame. Van Helsing fired his grapple gun through Hyde's gut which broke his fall and tried to pull him over. Hyde was jerked forward but caught himself on the ledge. Mister Hyde counterattacked and pulled Van Helsing back onto the roof but failed to look where he was going and toppled over the side and swung through the church and shattered the rose window. The transformation formula then started to wear off as Mr. Hyde turned back into a meek old Dr. Jekyll who then died from his fall. The public gathered around Dr. Jekyll's corpse before a Police sergeant noticed Van Helsing above and raised an angry fist calling him a murderer. Cardinal Jinette was displeased with Van Helsing for being unable to bring Mr. Hyde back and for shattering the rose window, but Van Helsing insisted that the shattering was Hyde's doing.
